Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Critical Companion to William Faulkner: A Literary Reference to His Life And Work

Critical Companion to William Faulkner: A Literary Reference to His Life And Work
Facts on File | 2008 | ISBN: 0816064326 | Pages: 562 | PDF | 4.02 MB

This comprehensive companion to Faulkner contains a variety of information for the student as well as being a handy reference to Faulkner's life and works for those curious about him. Fargnoli (theology and English, Molloy College, NY) Golay (history, Phillips Exeter Academy) and Hamblin (English, Center for Faulkner Studies, Southeast Missouri State University) begin with a short biography of Faulkner and his family. They note how his childhood and family history influenced his stories, as well as his emotional make up and alcoholic tendencies. The is followed by an annotated list of all Faulkner's short stories and novels with a synopsis, character list and excerpts from reviews. There is also a dictionary of subjects associated with Faulkner, from Civil War battles and generals to his publishers, fellow writers, his themes and friends such as Humphrey Bogart. Lastly the editors give a list of biographical works and literary studies for the serious scholar to consult.



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