Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pro Wicket (Expert’s Voice in Java)

Im glad were having our first real Wicket book available now…It is more than just a how-to guide; Karthik goes through the effort of explaining alternatives and explains how things are done by Wicket instead of merely giving you the steps to get a task done.

— Eelco Hillenius, Chillenious!

Wicket is an open source, component-oriented (POJOs-based), lightweight Java web application development framework that brings the Java Swing event-based programming model to web development. Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed, and later revised using standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools.

Wicket provides stateful components, thereby improving productivity. It has an architecture and rich component suite that aims to bring back the object orientation and, more importantly, the fun that is missing from the Java web development space. With the impending 1.2 release, Wicket is set for wider adoption.

Pro Wicket gets you up and running quickly with this framework. Youll learn how to configure Wicket, then gradually gain exposure to the “Wicket way” of addressing web development requirements. Youll want to pick up a copy because it
Is the first book to cover the Wicket framework with Spring integration and Ajax features
Demonstrates all major wicket capabilities through simple examples
Covers important aspects like Wicket-Spring integration and Ajax support

Download here


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